When beginning your university studies, it’s only natural that you have a bunch of new responsibilities on your shoulders. Therefore, as a university student, you may have to comprehend how to live an independent life, especially when you are not accommodated at home. This requires you to learn activities such as cooking, washing clothes, and doing grocery shopping, which are undoubtedly great life skills as well.

Listed below are some guidelines that would be extremely beneficial to make the most out of the daunting yet memorable phase of your life. Keep reading to find out.

Make it Stress Free

Trying to juggle studies with the responsibilities of living alone can be a handful. So, if you’re studying for a major exam, find effective study methods so that you don’t waste time.Of course, your physical environment also plays a role in how much stress you’ll be in. In some university accommodations, like UQ student housing, you can sign up for a laundering service, which takes a lot of stress and time off your shoulders.

A lot of university housing has services like this that makes it easier for you. So, the best tip by far is to be pro-active about anything that can be stressful. This means thinking ahead so that you can save valuable time and energy on tasks.


Practice time management

Managing time should be part and parcel of a university student’s life because of the several activities associated with university life. However, implementing this can be unsuccessful to a certain extent.

Therefore, using a planner or maintaining one on your mobile would be a great way of planning your day-to-day university-related tasks.

Engage in household chores

As previously stated, learning household chores such as cooking and cleaning comes in handy when living alone. Apart from that, it is also necessary to learn them so as to improve your life skills as a university student.

To be more organized in this regard, you can consider allocating each day for different activities and sharing the chores with your roommate as well.

Learn to be communicative

Whether you may be the only person or you share your accommodation with another individual, you should be able to communicate your needs without any hassle.

Hence, before you start your university life, you can enhance your communication skills by partaking in various relevant activities or training sessions so that you can be more confident to live by yourself anywhere.

Develop the skill of problem-solving

Even though living alone may grant you a sense of freedom, you will have to overcome many challenges to move on in life successfully. For this, you must be skilled at solving problems effectively by taking the right set of decisions.

Therefore, it becomes vital to enhance this skill, especially if you were a person that relied on another person’s decision in terms of a problem. You can seek guidance from your parents, mentors, and even friends in this regard.

Explore new avenues

Living independently during university education does not mean you have to only focus on academics. You must also consider ways of improving your social skills.

This can be done by taking part in other extracurricular activities and attending workshops that are compatible with your desired goals.

Cultivate emotional intelligence

When spending time alone and while interacting with other people, you have to deal with a variety of emotions. To deal with them in the right way you need to learn emotional intelligence.

If you are generally a short-tempered person, learning how to respond to a triggering situation appropriately comes with the ability to display emotional intelligence. This can also prevent any potential problem from arising in the long run.

Bottom line

Mentioned above are some tips that you as a university student can follow specifically if you have to live away from home all by yourself. You can research more about this and apply it in your life accordingly.

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